Tag Archives: Matanamoa

Fiji Honeymoon Recap

25 Nov

After a fantastic 2 weeks away from work it’s time to re-enter the real world tomorrow AM. womp womp.

So here’s a recap of our truly phenomenal honeymoon with lots of photos!

After traveling for nearly a full day and a less than stellar flight on Air Pacific (e.g. cramped seats and no working TVs), our cares immediately melted away as we hopped on our helicopter transfer from the main land to our resort’s island, called Matanamoa. We saw a bunch of other islands and reefs on the way.

Once we landed 15 mins later, we were greeted in island style with leis, a song by the band and a fruity drink!

We went exploring around the island while we waited for our room. Oh how pasty we were at the beginning.

Here’s a quick tour of our bure (Fijian hut), which was perched right on the beach under some coconut trees.

Here’s the view out the front towards the beach. We spent many a hours lounging, reading and napping in that hammock.

There are less than 30 bures on the entire island, meaning a max of 60 guests and no children! No surprise, most people were also on their honeymoon, which made for a great time since they were all our age and liked to drink and have fun.

We spent most of the first day exploring and snorkeling. We saw a white tipped reef shark which I swear was 5 feet long but Ben says it was only 2 feet. It was actually the only shark we saw the entire time. Phew!

We actually didn’t even make it to dinner the first night, we went to take a nap and didn’t wake up until the next morning. It took a couple days to get on Fiji time.

Day 2 we spent hiking up to the top of hill on the island. It was only about 15 minutes but had some stunning views. In the distance here is Motoriki, where Tom Hanks filmed Castaway.

There were coconut trees everywhere, Ben opened one up in less than 2 minutes.

Day 3 we went on an island hopping and snorkeling tour to the Sacred Islands, which are uninhabited, and where Fijian tribes people went to escape canibalism on the main land.

Day 4 was probably our favorite of the trip as we went sport fishing with another Kiwi couple and caught some HUGE fish! A 40 lb. Mackerel, 40 lb. Grand Trevally, 15 lb. Mackerel, 5 lb. Tuna and some other smaller ones. All in less than 3 hours.

We headed out at 6am, so caught a fantastic sunrise.

The best part was having a couple of the Fijian staff members cook it up for us on the beach for lunch! (We also ate the tuna in the restaurant for dinner and lunch the following day.)

We had some beers, drank out of coconuts, ate on leaves, and learned some Fijian swear words. It was awesome.

We also toured the village where a lot of the staff live. It was pretty 3rd world, no running water, run down houses, animals running around.

The next few days we just took it easy… swimming, snorkeling, sunning, reading.

Here’s the restaurant where we ate all our meals. Dinners were wonderful, lunch and breakfast just OK. But what can you expect when they have to ship everything in daily.

Each night after dinner there were games like crab racing and Mr. & Mrs. Matanamoa, a band, and usually a big bowl of kava. Kava is a Fijian drink made from plant roots and if you drink enough, it is a hallucinogen. It looks like muddy water and makes your tongue go numb when you drink it.

We celebrated my 27th birthday on the island one day. It was a perfect day: treetop massages in the morning, beach all day, sunset and a bottle of wine, and a great dinner and birthday cake.

The final day, we went on a sailboat trip to Tom Hank’s island and a school village.  The school was really neat, the students were so full of joy and loved getting their pictures taken (and throwing up gang signs apparently).

Another chopper back to the airport and we were on our long, but oh so worth it, journey home.

But our travels didn’t stop there. A day after we got back, we headed to Nashville to Ben’s brothers for Thanksgiving and Ben’s niece and god daughter’s baptism. Isn’t Vivian the sweetest thing ever?

And We’re Off

11 Nov

You won’t hear from us for a couple weeks, we are heading off on our honeymoon in Fiji! Can’t wait for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

Here’s the island we are staying on, which houses a max of 66 people. We’ll be staying in one of those beach huts, called “bures.” Should be amazing!