Painting continues at 12 Oaks. We’ve now painted all but 2 rooms (both bathrooms, one of which was completely demo’d this week.. more on that later).
We painted the current Master bedroom this week. The color is a bluish gray called Metropolitan by Benjamin Moore.

Master Bedroom

The “pig in lipstick” comes into play in the master bathroom. Originally we were going to rip out this bathroom right away and use the hall bathroom. However, we only had a total of 1 shower each in the hall bathroom before it started leaking and Ben had to rip half of the shower out to find the problem. So now we are going to renovate the hall bathroom first and use the master bathroom.
It’s tiny and outdated, but the best part is the beautiful seashells and god knows what else they painted on the vanity.

Master Bathroom
So we gave the entire bathroom, vanity included, a coat of Metropolitan. We also switched out the toilet. This should get us by until we gut this bathroom.

My apologies to the previous owners for painting over your masterpiece. Apparently this was a family affair, even grandma was in on this. Babcia= grandmother in Polish. Thanks to my Polish friend Alex I knew that one right away.

The next pig in lipstick is the entry and staircase walls. These were a lovely gold faux finish which will now need to be skim coated or re-drywalled to get them smooth again. For now, we just painted over it with the upstairs hallway color, Perfect Greige by Sherwin Williams.


Back to the hall bathroom which Ben demo’d yesterday. Everything is gone except for the pink cast iron tub, which we can get re-enameled white for about $300.
I put together this mood board for what I am thinking in here. Blue/green walls, white subway tiles in the shower, weathered-wood vanity, etc.

That vanity is $1,600 from Pottery Barn so we are going to try and make it ourselves. We’ve ripped off some Pottery Barn furniture in the past, so hopefully it works.
Lastly, Ben cut down and burned all the weeds that were up to 15 ft! tall around the pool.

After (yeah it’s going to look worse before it looks better):

Between the chainsaw, 4 wheeler, ride on mower and all the fires, Ben is like a kid in a candy store.

Fine by me, I am busy making mood boards, picking paint colors and scouring Pinterest for decorating ideas!
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